Hello! I'm Adrita Anika, a Data Scientist with an insatiable curiosity and excitement for unlocking the potential of data. Since joining Amazon in 2023, I've contributed to innovative projects with Amazon Robotics and currently with the Opstech Solutions Team. My work focuses on leveraging data science to drive operational excellence and efficiency. Additionally, I have a strong passion for applying machine learning in the healthcare sector, aiming to make a meaningful impact through advanced data-driven solutions.

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Email: adrita.anika@tamu.edu, adritaanika23@gmail.com


Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 

Texas A&M University.

CGPA: 4.0/4.0

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,

Bangladesh Univerisity of Engineering and Technology.

Work Experience

Austin, TX.

 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 

Texas A&M University. 

Tenstorrent Inc.

Austin, TX. 

 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 

Texas A&M University